

Sensory rehabilitation in the plastic brain.

Collignon O, Champoux F, Voss P, Lepore F.

Prog Brain Res. 2011;191:211-31. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-53752-2.00003-5.

PMID: 21741554 Review.

Auditory processing after sport-related concussions.

Turgeon C, Champoux F, Lepore F, Leclerc S, Ellemberg D.

Ear Hear. 2011 Sep-Oct;32(5):667-70. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0b013e31821209d6.

PMID: 21399499

Feel what you say: an auditory effect on somatosensory perception.

Champoux F, Shiller DM, Zatorre RJ.

PLoS One. 2011;6(8):e22829. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022829. Epub 2011 Aug 8.

PMID: 21857955 Free PMC article. Clinical Trial.

Early- and late-onset blindness both curb audiotactile integration on the parchment-skin illusion.

Champoux F, Collignon O, Bacon BA, Lepore F, Zatorre RJ, Théoret H.

Psychol Sci. 2011 Jan;22(1):19-25. doi: 10.1177/0956797610391099. Epub 2010 Dec 1.

PMID: 21123856

Functional reorganization of the auditory pathways following late callosotomy.

Paiement P, Champoux F, Lassonde M, Mensour B, Leroux JM, Bacon BA, Lepore F.

Neurocase. 2011 Oct;17(5):440-6. doi: 10.1080/13554794.2010.532142.

PMID: 21967283

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